Candied lemon cake Recipe
- For 6 people
- Preparation: 20 minutes
- Cooking : 40 min
- 180 g of flour
- 1 sachet of baking powder
- 3 eggs
- 120g butter
- 120 g of sugar
- 30 g of honey
- 1 lemon
- White chocolate
- 1 tbsp cubes of candied lemon peel
- Slices of candied lemon peel for decoration

Preparation :
- Preheat the oven to 180°C. Whisk the eggs with the honey and sugar until the mixture whitens.
- Add the flour and yeast then add the melted butter. Rinse the lemon, dry it then grate its zest over the preparation. Squeeze the fruit to collect 2 tbsp of juice and add it to the dough. Add the candied lemon peels cut into small cubes and mix well.
- Pour the mixture into a buttered cake mold. As decoration, add strips of preserved lemon on top.
- Bake for 40 min.
- Melt the white chocolate. Frost the cake with the melted white chocolate. Serve warm or cold.